Useful info

Basic instructions for new group members

Dear new Cosmology Group Member,

Welcome to SNS! This is to give you some information that can be useful for you.

During your contract the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) gives you the possibility to use a number of different services (e.g. canteen, library, e-mail address etc.). In the document below you may find the essential information to activate all these services.

As you may read in the document, once arrived in Pisa, you should accomplish some obligations:

1) By 30 days from the beginning of the contract, you should remember to register yourself to INPS (the Italian Social Security). The registration can be conveniently done via an online procedure. In case of problems or help you may write to l.defrancesco(at)  or international(at)

2) After your arrival, you should go to “Agenzia delle Entrate” (Revenue Agency) in Pisa with a copy of the contract. There, you could ask for the Italian fiscal code. The fiscal code is needed for several purposes, among them to open a bank account.

3) After your arrival, do not forget to let us know the details of your bank account, where your salary will be monthly transferred. You may send an email to the salary office of the Scuola: stipendi(at)

Concerning the accommodation in Pisa, unfortunately there is no specific housing service at SNS. However, Pisa is a University town, so there are plenty of opportunities for rooms or flats to rent. These are some starting websites for your search:

For any other problem please contact the International Office at international(at) In case of need, they can also arrange for somebody to help you with specific interactions with external offices (on appointment basis).